Stop looking through multiple sources to find someone's contact details. Gather up all their info and save it in AOL Contacts along with their physical address, website, or birthday.
Add a brand new contact
1. From AOL Mail, click the Contacts icon .
2. On the bottom, click Add a new contact.
3. Enter the contact's info.
4. Click Save.
Add a contact from email
1. From AOL Mail, open an email.
2. Mouse over the sender's name or email address to display the contact card.
3. Click Add a new contact.
4. Enter the contact's info.
5. Click Save.
Edit a contact's info and image
1. From AOL Mail, click the Contacts icon .
2. Click on the contact's name.
3. Click the More options icon | Edit contact.
4. Make any changes you want to the contact's info.
5. Click the Camera icon to change the contact's image.
6. Click Save.
Delete a contact
1. From AOL Mail, click the Contacts icon .
2. Click on the contact's name.
3. Click the More options icon | Delete contact.
4. Click Ok to confirm.