AOL offers a large range of commenting, posting and editing features that make it easier to interact and share information. There are different customization features, sharing abilities and communication options that you need to know about, to make it easier for you to utilize the information you find and interact with others!
Share an article
If you’ve found an article or photo gallery on AOL that you'd like to share with your family and friends, we’ve got you covered. At the top of any article you'll find share icons for Facebook and Twitter. Click on either of these icons to go to their specific submit or share pages. There's also a mail icon to forward the selected article to someone by email.
Print an article
When you find an article that you don't have time to read, print the article to read on-the-go or at a later time. To print an article:
1. Go to the menu bar on your computer.
2. Hover over the file tab.
3. Select print. This will take you directly to a print preview window that will display the article you are attempting to print.
4. Click print to confirm.
AOL’s webpage is configured to only print the information found in the center of the page. This means the sidebars, advertisements, search bar and personal account info will not be displayed.
Comment on an article
The AOL network of websites offers users articles from a wide range of categories. The diversity of our content is dependent on our users opinions. We want to know what you think of the content you read, which is why AOL allows users to share their opinions in the Conversation section after each article. To post a message:
1. Enter a desired nickname in the text-box provided.
- If you are logged in to your AOL account, your nickname is automatically generated.
2. Enter your comment.
3. Click post.
To interact with other users on your comment or another comment that has been posted, use the options located under the text. You have the option to reply to a specific comment, share a comment with others, like the comment or dislike the comment.
Republishing content
Content offered on and other AOL branded sites may be used only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Please visit the Terms Center for more info.