Use AOL Mail wherever and whenever you want by accessing it through the web browser on your phone or tablet. Easily share documents and images, tell someone you're running late, or compose a quick reply by accessing the AOL Mail website on your device.
Delete email
1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account from your mobile web browser.
2. Select the messages you want to delete.
3. Tap the Delete icon at the bottom of the page.
Attach files to an email
1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account from your mobile web browser.
2. Tap the Compose icon.
3. Tap the Attach files icon .
4. Locate the file.
5. Tap the file to attach it to the email.
The file attaches itself below the email.
Compose and send email
1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account from your mobile web browser.
2. Tap the Compose icon.
3. Enter your recipients, a subject, and the body of your message.
4. Tap Send.
Organize email into folders
Move messages into folders
1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account from your mobile web browser.
2. Select the messages you want to move.
3. Tap the Move to icon at the bottom of the page.
4. Tap the folder you want to move the email to.
Create new folders
1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account from your mobile web browser.
2. Tap the Menu icon.
3. Tap + Create new folder in the bottom section of the menu.
4. Enter a folder name.
5. Tap Save.
Supported web browsers
The latest version of mobile AOL Mail supports the following mobile web browser versions and higher. If you're using an older version of a supported browser or an unsupported browser, you will get the basic mail experience. Update your browser app or operating system to get the latest version of your browser.
• iOS Safari 12
• iOS Firefox 17
• iOS Chrome 61
• UC Browser 12
• Android Opera 51
• Android Chrome 61
• Samsung Internet 6